Saturday, August 27, 2011

Three Months Later...

And my brain is exploding!  Since our last meeting readers, there have been some serious changes.  So here's the run down; the sad, the happy and the mind-melting future...

I had big, huge even, intentions of hiking every trail I've missed in the last two years.  Knowing it would be my last summer for a bit, I had some ground to cover!  Then the sockeye run came in.  Fishing started great for me this year, caught a 122 lb. halibut and finally acquired a fly rod and reel.  A few knot lessons later and my little 5ft chest freezer is FULL to the brim for the winter.

Slaying the mighty sockeye 
Rocky and I even bought our season licenses ($145 for outta-staters such as ourselves) and they paid for themselves a million times over.  I'm pretty sure that he was just ecstatic not to be dragged on every trail on the Kenai.  Friends Tara and Jason came up and we fished the heck out of the middle part of the river, 5 fish per person, at a conservative 4 lbs of meat per fish...that's an 80 lb haul in one day.  Now make no mistake, it was an extra large run this year so I didn't feel quite so bad about hauling them out and we certainly thanked every fish for its life and flesh.  It's tasty, tasty flesh...
Surprise Glacier 
With one weekend to spare, we were awarded extra days off for good behavior and it was off to the magical land of the Kenai Fjords National Park and our very own Glacier Lodge.  We had absolutely     a-maz-ing weather, and if I was feeling spiritual, I'd even say we were blessed a little.  Heard they were having a great summer and getting to see friends made it the perfect finale to my stint in our northern frontier.
Getting a tan in the Kenai Fjords National Park!
 I took many photos, made more great friends, and hope to continue my love affair with Alaska long into the future. It has certainly wrapped itself around my heart and brain with a fierce grip!

Kenai Fjords Glacier Lodge, doesn't get much better than this.
I said farewell to some of the greatest people I've ever met and hopped a red eye to Denver.  Bittersweet but it sure did feel good to hit Fort Collins and know I'd be unpacking the majority of my stuff for an extended stay.  While I'm pretty sure a backpack lifestyle will always be my mantra, I wrote a rent check and bought a crock pot.  For the next 18 months I'll be MBA-ing at Colorado State, riding my bike, and drinking a plethora of microbrews.  More to come on that but it feels good to be connected again, eating fresh produce, and working towards goals that have been floating around my head for quite some time.  Onward and upward friends!